One Liner News...low on the Britney Jokes But High on the Dead People Jokes
...and yes, there is a difference.
Spears has entered rehab, websites say …most people just use Rogaine or buy a wig; we’ve never heard of rehab for baldies.
Twelve-step program aims to cure e-mail addiction …we tried it but were kicked out of the program for e-mailing our sponsor.
Trump’s hair on the line at Wrestlemania …is the combover an actual evil wrestling character or something? And now: Donald’s Trump’s Combover versus The Shears That Shorn Britney!
The biggest mystery is not how he died but how his electricity stayed on for 13 months…also from the land of things we can’t figure out – how someone can be dead for over a year before anyone notices.
Man returns from visit, trips on corpse…this is totally unrelated to the story above.
ALERT: Cows cause more global warming than cars!…who the heck is riding a cow to work anyway?
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