98-7 The Peak BLOG!
Peak Dope: It's gossip, news, and other stuff you can read that will permit you to fit in around the water cooler with your co-workers who think they are so cool.
Peak Dope: It's gossip, news, and other stuff you can read that will permit you to fit in around the water cooler with your co-workers who think they are so cool.
Peakerman here...
Deniece...Ah, Yavapia County...and what a lovely County it is...where in Yavapia County do you live...it's a big area. I'm so glad you can stream us on your computer, it was my idea and what a grand idea it was. Thanks for listening.
What a lovely name, and you are very welcome for the concert tickets. I know it will be a great show, I will be back stage with the boys playing a little High Stakes Poker, but I'll make sure they get on stage on time.
Thanks for hanging with The PEAK!!!
We thank you for listening to The PEAK. Especially while you clean. Our reach shows that people who clean while listening to The PEAK end up with a much cleaner and nicer house.
Just between you and me vacuums operate with much more suction while The PEAK is broadcasting into the airwaves.
Hey guys!
Thanks for the link on the Boy George/Mini Me pic.
I have added you to my links so I can listen to you guys to make my workday go quicker.
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